What are the steel structure materials?
The main raw materials for steel structure products are iron ore, copper ore, limestone ore, clay ore, synthetic additives, refined iron, shale and other raw ore and their finished ore, artificial block ore, iron alloys, washed coal, coke, coal gas and coal chemical products, refractory products, carbon products,.
More and more owners use steel in decoration, but the price of steel is not fixed, the price in each place is different, the freight is different, and the price will fluctuate up and down due to various factors such as the quantity of buying and selling. Moreover, there are different classifications. So what the steel structure materials? What are the characteristics of steel structure materials?
1. Hot rolling:Steel bars made from slab (mainly continuous casting) raw materials, after being processed by roughing and finishing mills, are cooled to the desired temperature, and the equipment mechanism forms steel coils. The condensed steel coils can be further processed according to customer needs, such as different whole lines (), positive cutting, transverse cutting, longitudinal cutting, and inspection.
Cold rolling:taking hot-rolled steel coil as raw material, after pickling to remove the oxide scale, it is formed into a hard coil during cold rolling process, and its product is a hard coil, which is a hard coil caused by the cold working hardening. The hardness increases.
2. According to the steel type, it is divided into:steel plate, pattern plate, section steel, section steel, etc.
3. Classification of processing methods according to materials:steel plates or rolled plates, galvanized steel plates, painted plates, etc.